Newer models of caravans are built with better insulation, and there are a number of new products on the market that make caravanning possible year-round. So, if you love to break free and hit the open road during the summer months and find yourself considering a winter caravanning trip, the following tips will ensure you're able to enjoy the experience without falling victim to the elements:
Get An On-Board Water Tank
Losing your water supply is a sure-fire way to ruin your trip. If there's any risk your outside water tank could freeze or partially freeze, you'll want to install an on-board tank. These are inexpensive, and with some models, you're able to use your existing water pump. If space allows, it's also a good idea to keep a supply of bottled water for emergencies, such as a broken pump or your towing car breaking down in the middle of nowhere.
Switch To Propane Gas
If you use butane gas to run your appliances, you should be aware that it's ineffective in sub-zero temperatures. Propane is the preferred gas for winter caravanning, and although most caravan appliances can be safely run on propane, you should always check with the manufacturer before use.
Invest In A High-Quality Trailer Cover
If you're travelling with a trailer for storing sporting equipment or extra supplies, you'll want to protect the contents of the trailer from weather damage. It's fine to use a lightweight tarpaulin cover during the summer months, but you need a heavy duty waterproof trailer cover when caravanning in winter. Cotton canvas covers are heavy and breathable, which helps protect the contents of your trailer from dampness. They are treated with wax, which ensures they are durable in even the harshest winter conditions.
Use A Porch Awning
A porch awning will allow you to store wet shoes and outerwear outside the caravan while providing a protective cover that will allow them to dry out even if it's raining. This is an invaluable accessory, as bringing wet clothing into your caravan will increase the circulation of damp air and promote the build-up of condensation.
Stick To A Fan Heater Overnight
Depending on the age and model of your caravan, you may need to run a heater on a timer on particularly chilly nights. If you have balance flue space heaters built into your caravan, you'll be pleased to know these are considered safe to use overnight, but there is a small risk external debris can block the flue and leave you susceptible to carbon monoxide poisoning. LPG heaters are not considered safe for use when occupants are sleeping, so your best bet is to use a fan heater that can be programed to come on at various intervals during the night to prevent the temperature falling below a comfortable level.
These tips provide simple ways for you to improve your winter caravanning experience, but if you have any concerns about the suitability of any of your equipment, your caravan supply shop will be happy to take a look at your current setup and make further recommendations.